Sunday, November 29, 2009

Save TV from Reality: Day ONE

OK, so I have started this blog because once again a TV show, Eastwick, has been cancelled due to "ratings" and I'm getting real sick of it. So inspired by Julie and Julia, here I go.

I am not some weird nerd sitting at home with no life and no friends only watching TV mind you. 13 years ago I began a counseling career and the main source of down time I had was watching TV, seeing as I worked approx. 70 hours a week. So the down time I had was late at night and watching shows, Tv was one thing I didn't have to counsel. So here I am new career, married, and I still love my TV shows. It all started with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, still my all time favorite, and then slowly expanded to 30 shows. Oh and the invention of TIVO and then ATT U-Verse (to record 4 shows at once, ahh awesome!) Then last a husband that only watches Fox news and old movies, so the perfect set up for 42 season passes (holly crap)

90210 (yep the new one I know)
My Boys (if this one makes it back)

Now some are re-runs and summer only shows. And yes I do enjoy a couple reality competition shows.

And yes all those shows I watch and enjoy. I recently cancelled a couple series due to how horrible they are. i.e Smallville and Melrose Place. So you can understand my frustration with the so called ratings. A well written and entertaining show like Doll House gets cancelled but Melrose Place stays on the air! I mean really that show can make its viewers stupid! And it doesn't matter how many original stars they bring back, it's a horrible show. Now yes, I know I watch 90210 and it's not that much better. For one simple example the character Annie drove drunk, hit, and killed a homeless man. (that was the season finale) A couple episodes into the new season its all forgotten. She never got caught and is now sleeping with the dead mans nephew. CREEPY! So the writers thought it was a good idea to for "Annie" to get away with murder, hmm that's weird.
Now with Eastwick getting cancelled I think I understand (I think) When I watched the first episode my thoughts were " Hmm I don't think his show will last, they story line is pretty set" Seeing as I know the book and movie. But. I was at least hoping for a couple good seasons.

Another show that I cancelled the pass for was family Guy. Don't get me wrong I think Seth McFarlane is so funny. But all the episodes seemed to be the same and pushing the envelope a little to much for my taste. (i.e smoking pot, sex, sex and more sex it got weird for me an the hubby) Arrogantly I call it un-intelligent comedy. haha

To say this I have always wanted to be a ratings person, to be one of the secret people who has the cable box and be apart of that stupid (in my opinion) plan of there's. I call it stupid because myself and my friends have watched so many of the same shows that get cancelled due to ratings. What a friend of mine thinks is that the secret group of people watch all the Law and Orders and the copious amounts of reality shows.
The reality Shows make me sad. Now, not ones like American Idol, Dancing ones, ya know the competition ones. It's the ones where only trashy people attempting to get famous with out doing the work. (The Pratt's ewww)
I don't think I'm some TV executive that knows all the In's and outs of TV, I just want to be heard. I want the shows that I love and that my friends love to stay on the air. Those writers and actors work hard and most of them deserve a show. Unlike Spencer and Heidi Pratt, again ewwww.
So my plan with this blog, to write about TV shows and share my opinion. I know there are a lot of other good TV shows I don't watch, so those I will not talk about but I would love to hear what others think.

So there you go:

On the schedule for tonight:
Simpsons, American Dad, and Desperate Housewives


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